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Baker Engineering has helped 22M square feet of building space average:

     16.5% Annual Energy Savings


$479,000 Annual Energy Cost Savings


        12.5 Energy Star Point Increase


Retro Commissioning process

Review Design and Current Operations

Interview staff to confirm energy using systems installed and current sequence of operations.  Walk the building to review these systems.

Retro Commissioning process

Perform Functional Testing

Test each system and component and their response to changes of setpoint to confirm proper operation of building systems.  Potential ECMs are identified and calculations are performed to estimate potential savings of each measure.

Retro Commissioning process

Follow Up and Track Implementation

Energy Efficiency is an ongoing project.  The report itself does not save energy.  Tracking the implementation of projects is what will save operating expenses and emissions.

Retro Commissioning process

Create Functional Test Forms

Create Functional Performance Test forms that will be used as a step-by-step guide through the function of each energy using system to ensure proper operation.

Retro Commissioning process

Create Master List of Findings

A Master List of Findings Report is created to use for identifying current issues and future projects.  This report includes a table of ECMs and is used to place these in recommended order of implementation.

Retro Commissioning process

Celebrate Energy and Cost Savings

Also track the energy and cost savings against goals created at the beginning of the project.  CELEBRATE Energy Star score targets, % reductions, and $ cost savings.   

Baker Engineering has helped buildings save an average of $479,000 in energy cost following Retro Commissioning projects

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